Friday 17 May 2013


This picture was created by overlaying original picture of violin with texture. I have used this 2 images:

I changed layer blending mode of the texture image to 'overlay'.

Some of my fav flower pictures

I used a sprinkler to created water droplets and shallow depth of field to help focus attention on the flower and blur the background.

Planets created in photoshop

Friday 3 May 2013

I took this pictures for a college project. I have used smoked bombs to create a smoke. I bought them off Ebay for about £10. They were a bit tricky to work with because often smoke did not go the direction I wanted but they're cheaper to use than a smoke machine and another advantage is that you can use them on location.

Few paintings in watercolour

I love painting poppies for their translucent quality and I think that watercolours are great medium to portray that. I have used watercolour paints and pencils to paint poppies and I have also grated black soft pastel on a sandpaper to create little black specs in the poppy centres.