Friday 11 January 2013

Violin 6 pictures in 1

 f/22 at 30 sec

To created this picture you will need:
  • tripod
  • either 3 different colour light sources or a torch and flash gels (that's what I used)
  • dark location
  • and of course a subject. I used white violin
With camera securely on the tripod I have lit the subject with a torch, placing different colour gels in front of it. Make sure to switch the torch off when you're changing gels otherwise some of the white light from torch will filter through.
I have used long shutter speed, otherwise I wouldn't have enough time to lit the subject the way I intended to. As a result the background was overexposed (to my liking anyway, because I wanted it to be black). To fix that I darkened it with burn tool in photoshop.

Below images were created by applying different filters in photoshop.

Filter used: Glowing edges

Filter used: Colored pencil

Filter used: Charcoal (and some colouring)

Filter used: Cutout

Filter: Torn edges

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